Get ahead of the competition with the Metacommerce platform
for all your data monitoring, analysis, matching & optimisation needs

Parsing of the price on the Internet
Parsing of prices in Aliexpress and Amazon
Analysis of the price in apps Joom, Aliexpress, Amazon
Market research of stores Wallmart,Tesco, Carrefour, Lidl

Multi-channel market monitoring

Obtain valuable insights from any sources:

Complete data collection & analysis

Utilize all visible product parameters for maximum effectiveness

Product mix analysis

Understand the market & competition with comparison algorithms for category analysis:

Automatic product matching — a unique technology

Multi-channel data collection

Internet parsing sites on the Internet
Retail stores monitoring prices on store shelves

Product data comparison & matching

system of goods comparison

Data delivery

Web cabinet interface for price monitoring
Data export Excel reports on prices API
API upload of the price over API

Unlock sales potential with unrivaled collection, analysis, matching, repricing and optimization solutions

We recommend the Metacommerce platform as a source of reliable and qualitative pricing information. The service provided by the company’s employees completely covers our interaction issues and allows us to focus on developing business and sector competencies.
The updated information from Metacommerce provides us with a clear image of the market and helps us to monitor prices and analyse our range of competitors, this allows us to react timely to changes and to manage our inventory and pricing policy.

Increase sales & revenue, grow market share, access reliable market insights, now!

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  • 168.99
    Online Store
  • 51.50
    Retail Store
  • 99.99
    Online Store
  • 164.99
    Retail Store
  • 49.70
    Online Store
  • 98.50
    Online Store
  • 159.99
    Online Store
  • 48.80
    Online Store
  • 95.50
    Retail Store
  • Product A
  • Product C
  • Product B

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